The current direction of the Cave Springs Missionary Baptist assembly is the same as it was when it started in its current form in 1908 by the outreach of First Baptist Church in Sullivan, Missouri through the American Baptist Association. We are seeking to make disciples of all nationalities, teaching them first and foremost of the grace and love of the God. We emphasize the eternal salvation to those who will accept Jesus Christ freely and willingly as the personal Savior.
Further, we faithfully and uncompromisingly echo the New Testament teachings of the Apostles that these believers must be identified with Jesus Christ through Christian water immersion at the hands of a scriptural New Testament assembly. This is to publicly show the believer's identification and committed association with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ - the core of the Gospel. Baptism is also the token of the New Covenant.
Spiritual maturity and selfless service to God through one's lifetime in a New Testament practicing church is the ultimate focus of the teaching and preaching ministries of Cave Springs Missionary Baptist Church. We believe if members leave our assembly, they are accountable to God to join with another scriptural body and continue in their Christian service. This process of discipleship re-creates the believer into an accountable, spiritual being through the Holy Spirit of God in the assembly.
During the last ten years, this assembly has also graciously and, oftentimes to their own detriment, financially helped broken families, families in need of food and place to live, retired pastors, young people, and missionaries starting new scriptural congregations in new areas. We believe the financial obligations of the assembly are to be met solely by the free will offerings of members and whoever would be motivated by the Lord to contribute to our ministry.